RMK DEO 120ML Spray

  • ₱320.00

For easier application, the best selling underarm whitening deodorant is available in RMK DEO 120ML Spray. Best for excessive sweating, body odor, dark pits, chicken skin and underarm lines. Safe for teenagers, lactating and nursing moms.

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RMK DEO 120ML Spray - Underarm Whitening

For easier application, the best selling underarm whitening deodorant is available in RMK DEO 120ML Spray. Best for excessive sweating, body odor, dark pits, chicken skin and underarm lines. Safe for teenagers, lactating and nursing moms. Proven safe and effective. This is a water based underarm toner that acts as deodorant made for excessively sweating, dark (due to pregnancy, scrubbing, plucking & shaving) and bumpy underarm. It also fights body odor and will keep you dry and fresh all day. All ingredients are cosmetic grade so it is safe to use by expectant mothers, lactating mothers even child aging 7 y/o.


Calamansi extract, Licorice, Vit. C & 3% Aluminum Chloride


Using cotton balls or pads put enough amount and apply on underarm after bath and let it dry. Do not use after plucking, shaving or waxing. Let your ua rest for atleast 24hrs.

Content: 120 ml