Basic skin care routine for students
15 Apr

Basic skin care routine for students

Posted By: Beauty Shop PH Times Read: 2345 Comments: 0

Are you a skin care rookie? Skin care products are overwhelming – mostly because of how vast the product lines are – and you don’t want to choose the wrong product for you. It’s also hard to choose from large amounts of varied skin care products and choosing one is not enough. Well there is no need to worry as we will be providing you with the basics of skin care products and skin care routines. Use this guide to help you build your own routine

Before starting to look for products, you have to first know your skin type for better results. Knowing your skin type will be the core for your skin care routine. Skin types range from dry to oily and there is no one-size-fits-all skin care routine for the different kinds of skin, but there may be instances of having to do a combination of skin care routines depending on the effects of the beauty products for your skin.


Normal Skin

Congratulations on having a fair skin! Having a normal skin type makes you eligible to use any beauty products to maintain your complexion. All you have to do as your skin care routine now would mostly likely be to cleanse it every day. Brightening and Whitening skin moisturizers are also good for you to retain you natural glow.

Oily Skin

Your skin has larger than normal pores so it produces more sweat from heat. Oily skin, most of the times, also goes with having acne. You have to choose the right combination of products for it to be effective. Start with facial cleansers preferably those that have anti-bacterial properties – for acne prevention – that will remove deep rooted dirt in your pores. Then after you’re done with the cleansing go for the toners have refined skin and seal it up with your gel moisturizer – again, it is recommended to use products with anti-bacterial or anti-zit properties.

Dry Skin

It’s just like having an oily skin but the opposite, you have tight pores which also is a bad for your skin complexion. Having dry skin makes your skin wrinkle which leads to having flaky skin. Counter this dilemma with cream or oil-based beauty products. Moisturizers and Lotions are a thing of beauty for our dry skin friends.


Look out because not all people only has one kind of skin type. There may some parts of your body or face that’s dry and at some others places is oily. Make sure you use the right products for the specific places you need them. There are some beauty products that cater to dry and oily skin types and also can improve whitening.


Next thing you need to think about is your lifestyle, how you frequent you use the products and what products you casually use. You also need to consider what you need most and what you might need later on. Taking care of yourself needs a set goal on the look that you want to look.

When you feel like you don’t want your age to show, you might look for some Anti-Aging Beauty products – mostly when you want your skin to be firm and supple. It’s best to start your skin care routine by skin nourishment if your end goal is anti-aging. If you want to age well and keep your glowing skin this routine is best end routine.

There are many other methods in taking good care of yourself. For example, you can buy whitening beauty products set from yours truly - Illumina White Series – or find a set that best suits you. Look for things that best suit your lifestyle, from the everyday things and tasks that you do. If you are still unsure on what products to buy we have made a list for you to look for, these are the basic skin care products.


Face Cleanser

Face cleansers are the basis of any skin care products as it makes your skin as a new plate. The way any of the beauty product you use depends on what face cleanser you use and how you use it. Face cleansers are best used in the morning – right after you wake up – and in the evening – before sleeping.


After using the face cleanser with warm water and wash cloth, toners’ task begins. Toners finish up the cleansing for your face and removes any film left over from cleansing as cleansers are mostly oil based beauty products.


Serums are not moisturizers but they still moisturize your skin. They keep the skin intact after cleansing has been done and deliver powerful ingredients into your skin that penetrate deep. Serums have more active ingredients than moisturizers that’s why they are used before moisturizers and right after cleansing


Moisturizers’ job is to – you guessed it – moisturize, protect and lubricate your top level skin. Serums are responsible for deep rooted problems like wrinkles, whilst moisturizers are used to hydrate your top skin. Hydrating your top skin makes it so that waters that evaporate from deep layers of your skin are constantly replaced which keeps skin on a soft dry state.


After looking through archives of beauty products nothing is stopping you from buying them head on but there is an extremely important thing that you need to keep in my mind, research the product. A product might be fit for you but if there’s an ingredient that you’re allergic to or that your skin reacts to it aggressively then that might not be best to use. This is the last notice before buying your skin care routine beauty products because it is much easier to find alternatives when you already have decided on the product line that you will buy.

We here at, offer local beauty products to support local businesses in the Philippines as well as innovative, trending and sought after whitening and skin care products from other countries that serves the needs of various Filipina skin tones.

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